Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Error Reporting

Thank you for submitting your error report to Autodesk!

Autodesk is committed to making quality products. We actively analyze
all error reports and prioritize them based on the number of customers
affected by a problem. If the error you reported occurs again, please
send another report so that we can analyze the problem, understand how
often it occurs, and provide a resolution.

Friday, June 24, 2011

REVIT is a stumbling block

It gets in the way of my creativity and workflow. I fight it, instead
of working or acomplishing a wonderful design.

It took 1/2 hour

It took a half hour to delete the mullion. With the help of our office
REVIT expert. And, it just looks like it's gone, it's still actually
there, because we couldn't figure out how to delete it. Total cost to
delete the mullion to the customer, probably about $500. Is it worth

I want to SMASH you

I want to delete a mullion. I don't need it anymore. It does not work
they way REVIT says it should. The help file is lame. People online
tell me what to do, but they are wrong, it does not work. Now, instead
of working this afternoon, I will spend several hours just trying to
delete a stupid mullion. SERIOUSLY!?!

Why no search?

Why isn't there a search function in REVIT? I mean, I want to search
through my views and sheets to find something without having to read
the titles of hundreds of views. Likewise in detail components, etc.
Why not have little icons of the detail components, views, etc? I
mean, I'm a visual person and it does take lots of time to read
through this stuff.


I mean REVIT, how do you think I can assemble a set of documents when
you keep deleting things on me? Do you really think that because I
delete an object, that I also don't want the dimension? Do you really
thing it's useful for you to delete grids? Do you really think
deleteing or screwing up details is in MY best interest? This makes
me, and my firm look like fools. Do you think we want to look like
fools because of a stupid piece of stupid software? I guess you do,
because you are stupid.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why yes, I am angry.

Aren't you?

REVIT is smart like a dog.

A Room was deleted from all model views but still remains in this project.
The room can be removed from any schedule or placed back in the
model using the Room command.

Yeah, because I really wanted that room I deleted to just hang around,
and need to be deleted twice. Because Revit is so smart. Smart like a
dog. Eats it's own Poo*

I just want to draw a door

I don't want to spend 1 hour modeling the dam* thing, I just want to
draw it. I don't want to open 3 phases and 2 models just to put in a
dam* door. It's just a dam* door, not a frikkin' jet plane. Please for
the love of god. Please. It's just a dam* door.

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Fatal Error

A fatal error has occurred. The application will be terminated. You
have the opportunity to save recovery files for all of your changed
projects.Would you like to save a recovery file?.

-> Save recovery file under new name and exit
-> Exit without save

Hey REVIT - why don't you proofread your error messages! Dang lousy
software. And quit crashing you POS!


This blog is good therapy. Perhaps I can survive another day with REVIT.

1/2 hour

Opening REVIT file 1/2 hour of non-productive time. At least I get to
drink coffee while I wait.

Friday, June 17, 2011

A cool thing REVIT could do (but does not)

It would be nice if you could double click a view to activate it. Just sayin.

Turn off a level

OK, here is a test. I'm going to turn off one level. How long does it take?

a) less than 1 second
b) 2 seconds
c) 5 seconds
d) 15 seconds

If you guessed "d" you would be correct. In AutoCAD the answer is "a".

Slow save, slow open

REVIT takes minutes to save and open drawings. I get a lot of web surfing in during these times, instead of productive work. Thank you REVIT!

Disappearing dimensions

REVIT, why do you think that just because I delete an item, I'd also want the associated dimension to disappear? I mean, I just might want to draw a new item, and NOT have to redraw the dimension. God forbid I might actually forget to draw the new dimension and then cause a problem down the road. Please...no disappearing stuff please please please please. You have taken away my control of my drawing. SUC*!!

No Fun

REVIT has taken the joy out of my job. My life is now stressful and gloomy. Are you happy now REVIT? Because I am not.

You got a teeny little pick box

It has a very small pick box. Very difficult to convince REVIT to pick
what you want it to, it frequently picks the wrong thing, causing you
to attempt to select or repeat commands. This makes the actual
execution of each command extremely slow. Why can't you change the
size of the pickbox? Why can't REVIT be smarter about what you want to
select? I have a difficult mind/body (haptic) relationship with REVIT.
This creates stress, which should be unnecessary.

How to print a schedule in REVIT

Really REVIT, you won't print a schedule by itself? You can print a
legend but not a schedule? WTF! Because I really don't need to check
this stuff, because you are "so smart" that you just get it right by
yourself? Because I really want to print the entire sheet? Because I
want to take the extra steps to export to EXCEL? No, it's because you

How to draw straight lines in REVIT

Why does REVIT not have an orthographic function that can be turned on
and LEFT ON? Yes, I know some commands allow ortho (constrain) but why
on earth would I want it to be off sometimes and on sometimes? What
were they thinking?
Then why does it take me 2 hours to make a simple change in a legend,
which would only take about 3 seconds in ACAD? Just select the items,
press delete...


I'll give REVIT what it wants...

This guy:


Thinks that the answer to REVIT is to give REVIT what it wants.

Last I checked, my computer and it's software works for me, not the
other way around.

A huge fail of "good versus bad technology". IE: technology that works
for me = good, technology that requires that I do certain things to
make it happy = bad.


POLYLINES, oh how I miss you

There is nothing like a polyline in REVIT. I miss polylines - so often
I need to have some lines that are linked (so I can edit them
together) or just figure out their length together. Filled Regions are
lame by comparison - for example, they need to be closed figures,
where a polyline has the option of being open.
OK, so one major problem with REVIT is actually conceptual.

REVIT wants you to know early on exactly what your building will look
like, how it will be constructed and exactly where the walls go.

For example, we model our building in 3d, but use 2d for other
drawings - wall sections (for example). This is NOT the correct way to
do it - REVIT wants you to generate wall sections from 3d, and use 2d
to "clean up" the wall section - to make it actually look correct.

However, if you do this, the wall section will contain a mix of 3d and
2d information. If you were to move your building wall, the wall
section will get scrambled as the 2d information tries to determine if
it should stay fixed in space, or move with the 3d information.

Thusly, the only really safe thing to do is to draw the entire wall
section in 2d, as a drafting view.

This applies to most of your other drawings as well - details,
elevations and building sections.

However, if you are doing most of your drawings in 2d, why would you
use REVIT?

One might say that the answer is simply to know early on what the
building looks like. I've never seen an architectural project that
didn't get SOME sort of change during construction drawings, often
extensive. Thus far, this appears to be a huge time suck during CD's
and potentially create huge liability issues when information
disappears completely from your REVIT drawing.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

REVIT - more likely slow than awesome

What's wrong with REVIT?


This is my first post, and I want to make it clear that I sincerely hope that you, and AutoDesk, consider this more of a "wish list" of items for REVIT rather than a rant or complaint. I *do* sincerely believe that BIM is the future of the construction industry, and imagine that AutoDesk will take the lead due to market dominance.

However, that is no excuse for releasing cruddy software.

Hence, this blog.

I am a long time AutoCAD user, recently shifted to REVIT. I knew the learning curve on REVIT would be long and difficult, but I was excited to learn the depth and wonder of this program. I was certain that I would discover new and innovative ways of saving time and making my buildings better coordinated and detailed.

Alas, I have been suprised at the gaping holes in REVIT logic, the slowness of the software and constant questioning - "why doesn't it do that?"... things that would take only moments with a pencil and paper, or in ACAD, can occupy my entire day.

OK, on with the rant...er...blog...